Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
For questions geared toward beginner investors,
please see our Investing 101
- When making
a purchase, should I put an equal dollar amount in each
stock or an equal amount of shares?
- With your stock-picking
system being so successful, why are you publishing an on-line
investment newsletter instead of actually investing in those
- With your stock-picking
system being so successful, why don't you start a mutual fund?
- Do you invest
my money for me?
- Why don’t you
manage other people’s money?
- What is the advantage
of an on-line investment newsletter?
- Do you recommend
risky investments like options, commodities, penny stocks,
and futures?
- I forgot my password.
How do I find out what it is?
- What's the minimum
amount of money I need to get started?
- Is your system
based on day trading, market timing, or jumping in and out
of the market?
- Why don't you
incorporate market timing into your strategies? Is dollar-cost
averaging a good idea?
- Capital gains
are great, but I don't want to be trading frequently, thereby
increasing my capital gains rate. How long do your recommended
portfolios hold an investment?
- If I decide
to cancel my subscription, how is it done?
- When you give
a sell signal for a stock or mutual fund, what should I
do with the proceeds from the sale if you don't immediately
have a new buy signal? Should I reinvest immediately into
something else or wait until the next buy signal for that
particular portfolio?
After reading these FAQs and our Investing
101 section, if you still have questions, please contact